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Live Thankful

Updated: Jan 11

It's Thanksgiving week. My favorite time of year. Fall is in the air, and people's hearts and minds are collectively turned toward gratitude. I love that we have a holiday dedicated to counting our blessings. Sometimes I fear, though, that we get so caught up in the turkey dinner preparation, football games and Black Friday sales, that we forget to actually focus on what we are grateful for at all. That actual thankfulness might be getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the season.

The holidays can become a source of intense stress and pain. What's up with that? The time of year that should be bringing more joy and laughter is often fraught with depression, competition and flat out dread. "To -Do" lists get longer, expenses are higher and expectations are through the roof. This year I vote that we just say NO to holiday chaos, and prioritize the true intentions of the celebration.

It's not supposed to be about creating the perfect family photo while yelling at everyone off camera. It's not about racking up credit card debt that you pay off for months into the new year. It shouldn't be just about stuffing ourselves with food, or having magazine worthy decorations. Don't get me wrong. I love pumpkin pie and the trappings and traditions as much as the next person. Maybe more. I'm a little kid at heart after all. But let's not forget that all of that is only meant to be means to an end. The details just don't matter. They really truly don't. What matters is keeping to the spirit of the day.

The essence of Thanksgiving is gathering with family and friends. Serving those less fortunate. Pondering and sharing all we are blessed with. Remembering loved ones and fond memories. Slowing down. Feasting both body and soul. Celebrating the abundance of everyday things. Enjoying what we already have.

It is about THANKS and GIVING. Hugs. Smiles. Love. Let's take some time this week to refocus our lives on these beautiful principles. Life changing in their simplicity. And make a commitment and a plan as to how to incorporate them into the rest of the year as well, so they become part of our very beings. Gratitude is the foundation of joy. You can't really have one without the other.

This Thanksgiving week I wish you happiness. Peace. Hope. Comfort. Love. Laughter. Health. Prosperity. I wish for you eyes able to see, and a heart full of gratitude.

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